“Becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable” - Annette Coffey
Do you have trouble forcing yourself out of your comfort zone? Trust me you are not on your own. The reason for this is that as humans we are wired to expect the worst-case scenario. Our brains want to keep us safe and in our comfort zone. Anything that takes you outside your comfort zone, challenges or teaches you something, will raise your confidence, motivate you to accomplish more and help you to grow as a person.
I am not talking here about skydiving or talking in front of an audience. I am talking about committing to a physical activity that previously intimidated you, making new friends, starting a course you have always wanted to do, but scares you a little. Saying yes to invitations that you would normally turn down.
The Comfort Zone
A comfort zone is a place where a person feels comfortable and safe. Within this zone there are no challenges or opportunities to learn. Things just stay the same.
The panic zone is a place we go to when we bite off a little more than we can chew. We have set our challenge or goal too high. We do not learn here. Fear and panic kicks in. When a person stays in this zone too long, they may retreat to their comfort zone.
The stretch zone is where things seem awkward and unfamiliar. This zone helps us to explore possibilities, explore our boundaries and work towards growth, learning and improving our lives. If a person feels a little uncomfortable, they can retreat to their comfort zone. By staying in the stretch zone as much as possible we can expand our comfort zone and become more confident and be able to challenge ourselves and gain a sense of accomplishment.
6 Tips to help you leave your comfort zone.
1. Inform Yourself; “Knowledge is Power”
The more you know about something the less daunting and more capable you will feel.
2. Make a Plan
Start with the easiest thing you can do to achieve this goal. Within the plan create mini goals that motivate you to push past your comfort zone.
3. Identify the Key Challenges
Look at the obstacles and explore how you will overcome them. Tell people in your life what you are planning, as they will push you on and encourage you. They may also make you accountable and not let you off the hook if you falter.
4. Take Baby-Steps
This is a great way to curb anxiety caused by leaving what is familiar and safe to you. For example, deciding to run a 5k from doing little or no exercise may not be the best idea. By starting off slow, walk a little first, building up to jogging until you reach that goal you have set. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Lao Tzu.
5. Stay Positive
Recognise the fact that you could have some setbacks. It is a natural part of the process. Any mistakes are learning curves in how to do things better. Looking at the panic zone in the diagram, this is where you have gone too far outside your comfort zone. You have set too high a challenge.
6. Never Stop Stretching your Comfort Zone
Even after achieving a goal it is important to keep pushing those boundaries. Identify new challenges, Keep going forwards.
If you struggle with leaving your comfort zone and feel you need to speak to someone about it, please feel free to contact me.
Annette Coffey